F Digital Multimedia Room ( Information Retrieval ) service hours : Mon . - Fri . 8:10 - 17:00.
9楼数位多媒体室 ( 资讯检索 ) 周一至五8:10~17:00开放.
互联网Dr. Li is a specialist in information retrieval.
互联网In addition to calculations, the most frequent use for a computer is probably " information retrieval ".
除了计算工作以外, 计算机最常的用途大概是资料检索.
辞典例句An FDL integrated information retrieval system using the mechanism was implemented.
此外描述了实现此机制的FDL集成信息检索系统,重点介绍了基于RDF的 中介器、包装器产生模块的设计.
互联网Query expansion is an effective method to the queries in information retrieval.
互联网User strategy is an important issue in video information retrieval.
互联网The quick proliferation of information resource brings new challenge to information retrieval.
互联网Image Retrieval has always been active research problem in multi - media information retrieval.
互联网Therefore, cress - language information retrieval has been hot in research.
因此, 跨语言 信息检索成为当今的研究热点.
互联网In information retrieval, recall and precision are regarded as two inter - constraint measures.
摘要在信息检索领域, 查全率与查准率是一对相互制约的指标.
互联网Natural language retrieval is the trend of information retrieval.
互联网In information retrieval, a method of sorting the associated key terms.
在情报检索中, 将相关联的检索词区分归类的一种方法.
互联网It has three following parts: question analysis, information retrieval and answer extraction.
该技术包括三个主要的组成部分: 问题分析 、 信息检索和答案抽取.
互联网In addition to calculations, the most frequent use for a compute is probably " information retrieval ".
除了 计算工作 以外, 计算机最的用途大概是资料检索.
辞典例句This performance is reasonable for less critical tasks such as cross - language information retrieval.
对于象 跨语言 信息检索这样的应用,这样的准确率已经能大致满足需要.
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